Friday, July 1, 2016


OK, this is embarrassing, but whatever. No idea details of win over Franklin. I remember that Yaz hit a triple to left-center and I remember tearing my hamstring on a double to left and I remember that was very good reason to dip into the Vicodin afterward, but everything else is kind of like a Seurat painting. Lotta dots.
Let’s see. It was close for a long time and Nevins said, “It’s really close,” and maybe it was like 3-2
Ellen and P&P Hall of Famer Mike Galan, a special guest.
in the middle of the game. Wait a minute. Nevins caught a ball sliding. Yeah, he did. Miller did something. I don’t remember.
Anyway, we won 6-2. That much I know because it says so in the official league stats. This was a tough game because Franklin is really good this year. They beat a lot of teams, like Tap, I think.
Ooh, I remember something else. It was muddy. There you go.\
Got some pictures here. And a video of Yaz hitting a ball that drove the Gimp Committee home in the late innings. Enjoy the pictures. They look better with Vicodin.

Everyone have a nice Memorial Day.

So, hit it to left. It'll be a double. Sure, you'll rip your hamstring, but it's better than if I rip mine.

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